

      How do customer immerse themself in a world of adventure, medial and crossmedial? How to invite people to a memorable and extraordinary shopping experience which they remind with joy and satisfaction? User experiences include the cognitive and emotional perceptions of users and their physiological and psychological reactions to a product or service during use.
As Designer we focus on the customers needs in their interactions with the products or services. The functionality of design should help the customer to achieve their goals as efficiently and effectively and extraordinary as possible. Always with the customer in focus and with inspiration from all over the universe.  

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Artist Portfolio

YEAR 2020


UI Design

artist A.Reich
The multimedia artist A.Reich, who studied in Kassel media art and was Meisterschüler of Prof. Florian Slotawa, reached out to me to create a website to show his work in public.

This was an opportunity for me to move into another seat and get used to brutalsim design. My concept was to show each work with less distraction, thats the reason why I used a step-by-step experience into the website and into each work. For that the frictionless and comfortable font ‘Roboto’ supports the minimalism and straightness.