

      How do customer immerse themself in a world of adventure, medial and crossmedial? How to invite people to a memorable and extraordinary shopping experience which they remind with joy and satisfaction? User experiences include the cognitive and emotional perceptions of users and their physiological and psychological reactions to a product or service during use.
As Designer we focus on the customers needs in their interactions with the products or services. The functionality of design should help the customer to achieve their goals as efficiently and effectively and extraordinary as possible. Always with the customer in focus and with inspiration from all over the universe.  

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ESP Design Studio GmbH

YEAR 2013


UI Design

ESP Design Studio GmbH


ESP. (Expo Service and Project Management) was founded as part of the world exhibition EXPO2000 in Hannover, Germany, and has 20 years of experience in the international leisure and theme park industry. They are architects, engineers, designers and even their most demanding audience. With originality and a lot of love for detail the creative minds at ESP. develop ideas and concepts for leisure, shopping and industrial projects.

What comes out of it is hard to put into words, that's why the website, implemented in WordPress, relies on beautiful large images that speak for themselves and appropriately present the great projects of ESP. in a simple but elegant environment and with a large slider as a key visual, the website is also very appealing on the iPad and other mobile devices.